Tuesday, August 7, 2018

10 Benefits of Red Dragon Fruit for Health and Beauty

10 Benefits of Red Dragon Fruit for Health and Beauty

10 Benefits of Red Dragon Fruit for Health and Beauty - Who doesn't know dragon fruit? This fruit has a unique outer appearance in the form of red, pink, and yellow skin layers. While the flesh is soft and soft and has high water content so it can be eaten immediately. The texture of the fruit is similar to kiwi fruit. This fruit is included in this cactus group consisting of several types of one red dragon fruit. So named because this fruit has red skin and red-purple flesh too.

This fruit is relatively expensive compared to other fruits commonly consumed. But it's worth the taste and the benefits are extraordinary for health. This is supported by the content of various vitamins, minerals, and essential compounds of red dragon fruit. Some of them are the benefits of vitamin A, the benefits of vitamin C, vitamin B3, the benefits of antioxidants, calcium, the benefits of phosphorus, vitamin B2 and B1, flavonoids, potassium benefits, the benefits of magnesium, the benefits of iron, pectin, and the benefits of protein.

With various nutrients and important compounds above, there are many benefits of red dragon fruit for health and beauty. Here are some of the benefits of red dragon fruit you will get:

1. Lose weight

 Red dragon fruit is the right type of fruit for you to diet because of the combination of high fiber and low calories. The fiber content makes the stomach feel full longer so as to prevent excessive food consumption. In addition, low-calorie values prevent the buildup of calories in the body, thus avoiding you from excess calories. Other foods that are also recommended to help you lose weight are the benefits of peas for your diet and the benefits of avocados for your diet. 

2. Overcoming gout 

With a variety of nutrients and important compounds that have the consumption of red dragon fruit can help overcome gout. This fruit is known to dissolve purine substances that accumulate in the body of patients with gout and then discharged through sweat or urine. 

3. Control blood sugar levels

 The content of vitamin B3 in red dragon fruit can help lower blood sugar levels so this fruit is recommended for diabetics or people want to maintain blood sugar levels. Blood sugar levels can also be controlled by using the benefits of bengkoang for diabetes and the benefits of palm sugar for diabetes. 

4. Good for diabetics 

Consumption of red dragon fruit can be an option for diabetics who have many restrictions on food. Although it tastes sweet, dragon fruit does not contain high sugar content, so it is safe enough to be consumed by diabetics. 

5. Good for eye health 

Red dragon fruit also contains beta-carotene so that it has a positive effect on eye health. This fruit can be an alternative for those of you who are tired of consuming the same source of beta-carotene or vitamin A as the benefits of carrots and tomato benefits. 

6. Good for healthy bones and teeth

 Red dragon fruit is the right choice for you and your family because it contains minerals such as phosphorus and calcium. Both of these minerals have many benefits such as supporting bone and dental health. By eating this fruit the growth of the child's bones and teeth is well developed and adults are also protected from various bone and dental diseases. 

7. Prevent premature aging 

This fruit contains antioxidants so that it can continue to regenerate new cells gradually so that writing can be smooth and seem youthful. Especially in pollution now has become increasingly uncontrolled so that free radicals are so easily developed in the body. It takes a good body defense, one of them with sufficient levels of antioxidants to fight free radicals. Early aging can also be prevented by the benefits of leaves for the beauty and benefits of mulberry leaves for beauty.

 8. Smooth digestion 

Red dragon fruit is known to have high fiber content needed for digestion. The presence of fiber in the food we eat makes the movement of food more smoothly in the intestine so that the process of digestion of food becomes smooth and avoids various digestive disorders. 

9. Good for intestinal health

 The fiber content in dragon fruit is also very high so it can help the digestive system so that it is not too hard to process, lighter for the stomach and intestines because it is easy to digest. The intestine becomes healthy and is not forced to work too hard. Other fruits and vegetables that are also recommended for maintaining intestinal health are the benefits of apples and the benefits of spinach for health. 

10. Increase immunity

Consumed continuously is also good for the immune system because dragon fruit is very rich in minerals and vitamins so that the body's defense is stronger and not easily infected with viruses or disease-causing bacteria.

Beyond the benefits of red dragon fruit for your health and beauty? To get the maximum benefit of red dragon fruit should be consumed directly and not mixed with sweeteners or other artificial ingredients that are excessive. Moreover, the texture of the soft fruit tastes sweet makes this fruit can be eaten and enjoyed directly. You don't need to bother processing it into good food because it is eaten right away and it's already delicious.
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Sunday, August 5, 2018

10 Benefits of Zalacca Fruit for Health and Nutritional Content

10 Benefits of Zalacca Fruit for Health and Nutritional Content

10 Benefits of Zalacca Fruit for Health and Nutritional Content - Zalacca, must be very familiar to us. But, you know, it turns out that this rooted fruit like oil palm has extraordinary benefits for our health. With the Latin name Salacca zalacca, and sharp scaly brown skin, it turns out this white meat contains high enough nutrients. Anything about the nutritious fruit of zalacca ya? Please refer to the following review of the following bami regarding the benefits of zalacca fruit below.

Very diverse benefits of zalacca fruit for the health of the human body. But what we need to know, besides meat, it turns out that the fruit is also very beneficial for the health of our body, for more details, please listen to this review until it's finished because later you will know a lot about the benefits of this fruit and can consume it properly and according to the recommendation, here is the following:

1. Benefits of Zalacca Fruit for Diarrhea Medication

This is the efficacy of zalacca which is very famous and is often tried at home. The fiber content is quite high in the epidermis of the fruit can treat diarrhea. So with this later you don't need to take diarrhea medicine from the store again, just consume the wrong fruit and the skin.

2. Benefits of Zalacca Fruit for Eye Health

The beta-carotene content in the bark can keep your eyes healthy. Even its contents rose 5.5 times larger than mango and 5 times larger than watermelon.

3. Benefits of Zalacca Fruit For Diet

The content of phytonutrients in fruits is very useful for those of you who run a diet program. In addition, there is 2 mg of Vitamin C in zalacca.

4. Benefits of Zalacca Fruit to Prevent Cancer

One more benefit of zalacca is very remarkable because it can prevent cancer. This is due to the content in the epidermis of fruits, so if you consume zalacca, do not remove the skin.

5. Benefits of Zalacca Fruit to Boost the Immune System

Zalacca fruit is also useful to increase our immune system. The content of vitamin C in the skin increases the body's immunity against viral diseases.

6. Benefits of Zalacca Fruit for Digestion

So far we know that consuming too much zalacca can cause constipation or difficulty defecating. Well, it turns out that the epidermis of the bark contains quite high fiber, so if you eat the leaves of the skin it will not be removed because the epidermis is useful for smoothing and nourishing our digestion.

7. Benefits of Zalacca Fruit to Improve Brain Intelligence

Based on the results of the study, fruit peels can improve brain performance by carrying the content of potassium and pectin, which can nourish some nerves and be able to smooth and control blood circulation to the brain.

8. Benefits of Zalacca Fruit to Maintain Stamina

Calcium contained in the epidermis is also useful to maintain our body's stamina.

9. Benefits of Zalacca fruit for Pregnant Women

Zalacca fruit is also well consumed by pregnant women, especially young pregnant women who experience morning sickness. Nausea that can often be overcome by eating zalacca. But don't eat too much in a big value, it must also be balanced with protein-rich foods like nuts.

10. Benefits of Zalacca as an Antioxidant Agent

We certainly know that antioxidants are very beneficial for our body, antioxidants are useful for preventing disease and free radicals. In addition, natural compounds found in zalacca are also efficacious to overcome the risk of heart disease and cancer in the fetus and pregnant women.

How? Quite amazing isn't it? That is the review of the benefits of snake fruit for health and nutritional content that we can share this time. Don't forget to tell as many people as you know about this information. See you later on reviews of other fruit benefits.

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Saturday, August 4, 2018

7 Benefits of Tin Fruit To Treat All Chronic Diseases

7 Benefits of Tin Fruit To Treat All Chronic Diseases

7 Benefits of Tin Fruit To Treat All Chronic Diseases - Some research experts prove that foliage leaves help regulate the symptoms of diabetes. An expert study in 2016, research using mouse objects. The results show that ficusin, extract from tin leaves can increase insulin sensitivity, and has anti-diabetic properties or the like.

In a 2003 study, this study also used animal objects. Research shows that extracts of figs have an influence in overcoming diabetes, which is able to normalize blood fatty acid levels and vitamin E. For more details, please refer to the benefits that we have summarized below.

1. Overcoming high blood pressure
The risk of hypertension (high blood pressure) can be susceptible to people with narrowing of blood vessels. Where blood vessel constriction is a serious problem, if you do not get medical treatment immediately, the risk of coronary heart disease is high.
The content in the fruit is the intake of minerals phosphorus, magnesium, omega 3, omega 6, and phenol. This important intake has benefits to overcome hypertension. If hypertension is successfully overcome, it automatically reduces the risk of coronary heart disease.

Helps lift the body
In the fruit, there is a various intake of important minerals from magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, and others. With this important mineral content, it is useful to help the growth of the body and bones, so that the body can be optimally higher.
The intake contained in fruit can be relied upon, for you do not like or are allergic to milk, then the fruit can be an alternative for milk consumption. If you haven't consumed milk for a long time, then at least consume fruits that help the body and bone growth.

For fertility
Figs contain rich fiber, useful for improving sperm quality for men, by maintaining sperm fatty acid content. Therefore, it is advisable for newly married young couples, of course, want to have a baby soon. So the consumption of these fruits to help the desire me manifest. In addition, keep your diet better, healthier and regular.

Prevent bone loss
Osteoporosis has often affected people aged 50 years and over. Osteoporosis is a bone disease that makes it difficult for the sufferer to move actively. Apparently, consumption of fruit can reduce the risk of osteoporosis generally suffered by parents.
Figs have a high calcium intake. Many health experts explain that calcium and phosphorus are contained in fruit, have better benefits than milk.
People aged 30 years and over are strongly emphasized to start paying attention to calcium intake for the body as best as possible, because it is very important, to prevent osteoporosis. Likewise, children, it is important that parents pay attention to calcium intake for children because they are in a period of growth of bones and teeth. Good bone and tooth growth are highly dependent on good calcium intake.

Lose weight
According to health experts, also a healthy dietitian such as Dr. OZ, that the soluble fiber content found in the fruit has an important function, namely to bind excess fat in the body, to then be removed through the digestive system and sweat.
It's important to remember for you with the desire to lose weight, the key to losing weight is exercising regularly. You do not have to exercise heavily, do simple sports such as jogging, cycling, etc., but must be diligent and routine. In a day at least 15 minutes of exercise (25-30 minutes recommended).

Overcoming a difficult CHAPTER
Where the fruit has lactation fiber, it is useful to overcome constipation problems. Eating fruit is also very important to maintain the health of the body's digestive organs.

Overcoming insomnia
The cause of insomnia is generally because there is a lot of thought, stress, and depression. Thus, it is important to manage positive thoughts so that you can avoid the problem of stress, which is dangerous, one of which is a sleep disorder that can interfere with the success of your life.
To help overcome the problem of insomnia, it is recommended to consume fruits. In a study at Yale University, found that fruits contain tryptophan which has the effect of comforting, relaxing, calming the mind naturally. So, consuming this tin a little more will affect your sleep comfort.
Such is the 7 Benefits of Fruit Tin to Treat All Chronic Diseases that we can convey to you. By being able to consume figs regularly, you will be sure to avoid various types of diseases and can be healthier and fitter, especially for those of you who rarely exercise. Thank you for reviewing other fruit benefits from our site.
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Good and Bad Food for Your Stress

Good and Bad Food for Your Stress

Good and Bad Food for Your Stress - Even though you have eaten and exercised regularly, sometimes you still can't get away from anxiety and stress attacks. Apparently, a regular diet supported by exercise is still not enough to help you avoid this one mental disorder. This is because there are still many factors that can trigger you to be stressed, one of them is through the food you consume yourself.
Indeed, there are healthy foods that can relieve stress symptoms and prevent them from coming back if consumed properly and regularly. But in fact, there are still many foods that can have the opposite effect: that can trigger your body to release certain hormones until finally the stress effects come to you.
Now, of the many foods on the outside there that are dangerous and healthy, here we give a few examples of good and bad food for those of you who are suffering from stress.
Bad Food for Stress
First of all, you must know in advance what foods can trigger stress, or even make your stress worse.

Ice cream
Sweet and delicious ice cream may indeed cool your mouth, but unfortunately not for your brain and mind. In fact, foods packed with refined sugar will only increase levels of stress hormones, including cortisol. This is because your body will not be able to use all refined sugars (unless you are recovering from an intense exercise session), so your blood glucose levels will drop dramatically. Your brain will then respond to these low blood glucose levels as a threat, so your body releases more cortisol.

Almost everyone knows that coffee can boost your energy in the morning, and can even help to encourage your mood by stimulating dopamine activity, thereby decreasing your risk of depression. Unfortunately, this dopamine can also blunt the absorption of important mood-balancing nutrients such as vitamin D and vitamin B. This condition will be worsened if you put too much sugar or other sweetener into your coffee cup.
Soybeans are a very dangerous threat when you are hit by stress. For example, according to agriculture.go.id, the raw materials of tofu in Indonesia are mostly from America imported into Indonesia. Meanwhile, more than 90% of soy products in America are GMO or GMO. In other words, every soybeans you consume with active ingredients of glyphosate, a type of herbicide that is proven to cause malnutrition, especially mood-setting minerals.
If you still want to get soy intake, then we recommend to prefer tempe or natto.
As we already know that alcoholic beverages are very taboo in Indonesia. Even a lot of restrictions from the government to consume them freely. As it turns out, the rule comes not without reason. In addition to making you unconscious, most alcoholic beverages can trigger you exposed to stress.
Indeed, alcoholic drinks can calm your mind at the beginning, but after a few hours, the effect will be like a boomerang for you. Consuming wine before bed can cause sleep problems, blood sugar swings, and dehydration - all of which can increase levels of stress hormones more and more.
Diet Soda
Just like wine, diet soda is able to calm your mind, but only temporarily. Once the effect disappears, you will be more anxious and your stress level will increase. Call it aspartame, a kind of artificial sweetener that you can find in any diet soda. The aspartame has been shown to block the production of neurotransmitter serotonin. This condition will cause various kinds of neuro diseases, including headaches, insomnia, mood swings, and including stress.
Good Food for Stress
Of the few examples of bad food for stress above, of course you can still find foods that provide beneficial effects for your mental health, which we will discuss below.
When you are suffering from chronic stress, your brain will begin to produce excessive stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, while reducing hormone levels of happy feelings called dopamine and serotonin. Fortunately, scientists believe that by increasing the intake of folic acid can help restore the level of the happy hormone. Therefore, try to consume foods that contain folic acid such as spinach, beans, asparagus, avocados, or broccoli.

Wild Salmon
Eating fatty fish like tuna and salmon can also help improve your mood. These types of fish are packed with omega-3s, a type of fatty acid that can make serotonin - a compound that makes you feel happy - it's easier to pass through cell membranes and increase levels there. Other advantages? Omega-3 fatty acids can also help reduce inflammation, the most common side effects of chronic stress.
This bright red fruit is not only packed with vitamin C, but is filled with antioxidants that have been proven to be able to help people deal with their stressful situations. According to one study, cortisol levels - one of the hormones produced when you are stressed - will decrease dramatically when a person consumes vitamin C.

Black Chocolate
Chocolate connoisseurs certainly feel happy to see their favorite foods on the list of the best foods to handle stress, and the fact is that. But make sure you choose chocolate that is really black - not chocolate that has been milk or white chocolate which is full of refined sugar.
Chocolate that is good for dealing with stress is cocoa containing more than 70% which contains high antioxidants. Health experts also prove that black chocolate is able to stimulate compounds that drive the feeling of happiness, especially serotonin.
Red peppersThis red vegetable may not be as delicious as the biscuits that you usually eat after going home from work or on the move, but red peppers have a far greater content than just 'junk-food snacks' that always accompany your days. Red peppers contain very high levels of vitamin C. It has also been proven that the antioxidant properties of vitamin C are able to fight free radicals and stubborn stress hormones.
Still not able to handle your stress? Then try delicious food produced by this hen. Eggs are very rich in vitamin D which can improve your mood. Although experts have not found the reason behind these effects, but vitamin D that you can also find in the sun has also been shown to increase levels of good hormone feelings including serotonin and dopamine in a person's brain. Plus, eggs are packed with tryptophan, a type of amino acid needed to produce serotonin.
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Friday, August 3, 2018

7 Most Deadly Diseases - Causes and Prevention

7 Most Deadly Diseases - Causes and Prevention

7 Most Deadly Diseases - Causes and Prevention - Heart disease, stroke, and cancer are three of the many deadly diseases that can affect anyone and anytime. Many people think that these diseases can no longer be treated and are just waiting to die. But the fact is not so! Among the list of deadly diseases that we have summarized below, you can still find treatment and prevention.
Even so, it would be better if you had never dealt with these diseases, both symptoms and early signs. But still you have to know the types, so you know the risk factors and are able to avoid them. And if it's getting hit, maybe you can reduce the risk as early as possible.
Quoted from the World Health Organization (WHO), here are 7 deadly diseases worldwide.
Ischemic Heart Disease, or Coronary Heart Disease
Coronary heart disease has entered the list of the world's deadliest diseases. Known also as ischemic heart disease, this condition occurs when the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart become narrowed. If left untreated, it will cause chest pain, heart failure, and arrhythmias.
Some risk factors for coronary heart disease include:

  •     High blood pressure
  •     High cholesterol
  •     Smoke
  •     Family history of coronary heart disease
  •     Diabetes
  •     Overweight

While some steps you can take to reduce the risk of ischemic heart disease include:

  •     Exercise regularly
  •     Maintain a healthy weight
  •     Consume foods that are low in sodium
  •     Increase intake of fruits and vegetables
  •     Avoid smoking
  •     Avoid alcoholic beverages

A stroke occurs when an artery in your brain is blocked or leaked. This can cause brain cells that lack oxygen to start to die within minutes. When a stroke occurs, you will feel numbness and confusion, or difficulty in walking and seeing. If not treated as soon as possible, a stroke can cause disability in the long run. A woman tends to have a greater risk of stroke.
Some of the causes you can get a stroke include:

  •     High blood pressure
  •     A family history of a stroke
  •     Smoking, especially if accompanied by use of oral contraceptives
  •     African-American race

Some ways to prevent that you can do can be to regulate high blood pressure with drugs or surgery. You must also maintain a healthy lifestyle complete with regular exercise activities as well as a low sodium diet. Also avoid smoking and consuming alcoholic beverages because these two habits are proven to increase your risk of stroke.
Lower respiratory tract infections
Lower respiratory tract infection is an infection that occurs in your airways and lungs. The cause can be influenza or flu, pneumonia, bronchitis, or tuberculosis. Certain viruses also usually become the root behind the cause of this one infection. When this condition occurs, you may feel shortness of breath, wheezing, and a feeling of tightness in your chest. If left untreated, this infection has the potential to cause respiratory failure and death.
Some of the causes of your lower respiratory tract infections include:

  •     Flu
  •     Poor air quality, or frequent exposure to lung irritation
  •     Smoke
  •     Weak immune system
  •     Asthma
  •     HIV

One of the best prevention you can take to fight the lower respiratory tract infections is to get flu shot each year. People who have a high risk of developing pneumonia must also always get a vaccine. Do not forget to always wash your hands regularly with soap and clean water to avoid bacterial spread, especially before touching the face and food.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a long-term progressive lung disease that makes it difficult for you to breathe. Chronic bronchitis and emphysema belong to the type of COPD. In 2004 alone, approximately 64 million people worldwide suffered from this disease.
Some of your risk factors for COPD include:

  •     Smoking and passive smoking
  •     Lung irritation is like chemical smoke
  •     Family history
  •     A history of respiratory infections while still a child

Unfortunately, there is no cure for COPD, but its development can still be slowed by drugs. The best way to prevent you from getting COPD is to stop smoking and avoid cigarette smoke around you.
Trachea, Bronchus and Lung Cancer
Several types of respiratory cancers such as tracheal cancer, laryngeal cancer, bronchial cancer, and lung cancer are mostly caused by smoking, being passive smokers, and environmental toxins resulting from factory waste. But household pollution still contributes to this deadly disease.
A study in 2015 reported that respiratory cancers account for about 4 million deaths annually. In developing countries like Indonesia, researchers project an increase of around 81 to 100 percent in respiratory cancers due to air pollution and cigarette smoke.
Tracheal, bronchial, and lung cancers can reach anyone, but the highest risk is those who like to smoke. Other risk factors are family history and environmental factors such as diesel smoke. The only prevention you can do right now is to stop smoking and avoid tobacco smoke.
Diabetes mellitusDiabetes is a group of diseases that affect insulin production and its use. In type-1 diabetes, your pancreas will not be able to produce insulin, and the cause is still unknown. As for type 2 diabetes, your pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or insulin is not able to be used properly.
Some of your risk factors for type 2 diabetes include:

  •     Overweight
  •     High blood pressure
  •     Age factor
  •     Lazy exercise regularly
  •     Poor diet

Although diabetes is not always preventable, you can still adjust the severity of symptoms by exercising regularly and getting good nutrition. Adding more fiber to your diet can also help regulate your blood sugar levels.
Alzheimer's and Other Dementia Diseases
You might think that Alzheimer's disease or dementia is just a disease that makes a person lose memory. But the symptoms and effects do not stop there. Alzheimer's disease itself is a progressive disease that destroys memory and disrupts normal mental function. This means that some of your abilities including thinking, reasoning, and typical behavior will cease to function.
As for some of your risk factors for Alzheimer's disease are:

  •     More than 65 years old
  •     Family history with Alzheimer's disease
  •     Genetic factors
  •     Have mild cognitive impairment
  •     Down Syndrome
  •     Unhealthy lifestyle
  •     A woman tends to have a greater risk
  •     Have experienced head trauma before
  •     Loner and become antisocial

One thing you can do to help reduce your risk of getting this terrible disease is by having a healthy diet. A diet high in fruits and vegetables, and reduce the intake of foods that contain saturated fats from meat and dairy products, and increase the intake of healthy fats from nuts, olive oil, and fish can help you reduce the risk of developing Azheimer disease, as well helps keep your brain exposed to the disease.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a long-term progressive lung disease that makes it difficult for you to breathe. Chronic bronchitis and emphysema belong to the type of COPD. In 2004 alone, approximately 64 million people worldwide suffered from this disease.
Some of your risk factors for COPD include:

Smoking and passive smoking
Lung irritation is like chemical smoke
Family history
A history of respiratory infections while still a child
Unfortunately, there is no cure for COPD, but its development can still be slowed by drugs. The best way to prevent you from getting COPD is to stop smoking and avoid cigarette smoke around you.
Trachea, Bronchus and Lung Cancer
Several types of respiratory cancers such as tracheal cancer, laryngeal cancer, bronchial cancer, and lung cancer are mostly caused by smoking, being passive smokers, and environmental toxins resulting from factory waste. But household pollution still contributes to this deadly disease.
A study in 2015 reported that respiratory cancers account for about 4 million deaths annually. In developing countries like Indonesia, researchers project an increase of around 81 to 100 percent in respiratory cancers due to air pollution and cigarette smoke.
Tracheal, bronchial, and lung cancers can reach anyone, but the highest risk is those who like to smoke. Other risk factors are family history and environmental factors such as diesel smoke. The only prevention you can do right now is to stop smoking and avoid tobacco smoke.
Diabetes mellitus
Diabetes is a group of diseases that affect insulin production and its use. In type-1 diabetes, your pancreas will not be able to produce insulin, and the cause is still unknown. As for type 2 diabetes, your pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or insulin is not able to be used properly.
Some of your risk factors for type 2 diabetes include:

High blood pressure
Age factor
Lazy exercise regularly
Poor diet
Although diabetes is not always preventable, you can still adjust the severity of symptoms by exercising regularly and getting good nutrition. Adding more fiber to your diet can also help regulate your blood sugar levels.
Alzheimer's and Other Dementia Diseases
You might think that Alzheimer's disease or dementia is just a disease that makes a person lose memory. But the symptoms and effects do not stop there. Alzheimer's disease itself is a progressive disease that destroys memory and disrupts normal mental function. This means that some of your abilities including thinking, reasoning, and typical behavior will cease to function.
As for some of your risk factors for Alzheimer's disease are:

More than 65 years old
Family history with Alzheimer's disease
Genetic factors
Have mild cognitive impairment
Down Syndrome
Unhealthy lifestyle
A woman tends to have a greater risk
Have experienced head trauma before
Loner and become antisocial
One thing you can do to help reduce your risk of getting this terrible disease is by having a healthy diet. A diet high in fruits and vegetables, and reduce the intake of foods that contain saturated fats from meat and dairy products, and increase the intake of healthy fats from nuts, olive oil, and fish can help you reduce the risk of developing Azheimer disease, as well helps keep your brain exposed to the disease.
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How To Get Rid Of Mosquito Bites Quickly

How To Get Rid Of Mosquito Bites Quickly

How To Get Rid Of Mosquito Bites Quickly - Although not too severe and dangerous, mosquito bites are somewhat disturbing. Because the bite from an insect this one will cause scars in the form of red nodules or some other type of ex. For sensitive skin owners, the former is certainly very disturbing. Especially if the mosquito bites attack toddlers whose skin is still sensitive. But to overcome this, you can try a number of first aid. One of them with several types of essential oils.
Essential oils such as eucalyptus oil, lavender, and various other types of oil are very effective for dealing with mosquito bite marks. The bite marks will gradually recover with the antibiotics and antioxidants in them. Besides essential oils, you can also use several other natural ingredients that are effective for skin health. The following is a complete review for various easy ways to quickly remove mosquito bites.
Various Quick Ways to Get Rid of Mosquito Bites

Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has properties that soften the skin and antibacterial so effectively able to fade away insect bites and mosquitoes. To use it, you can pour apple cider vinegar about 1 tablespoon then mix it into a bath containing warm water. Use it to bathe regularly to get the best results.

Lemon juice
In addition to containing natural bleach, lemon juice also contains vitamin C and natural antibiotics are good to remove mosquito bites. Drop lemon juice into the area of ​​the mosquito bite, then apply it evenly. Wait for about 15 minutes to sink. Perform these treatments regularly to get maximum results. This method is not recommended for sensitive skin owners.

Tea tree oil
Anti-inflammatory that is in tea tree oil is useful to fight the pain as well as overcome the itching on the skin. How to use this tea tree oil by mixing three drops with one cup of warm water. After that, use the area of ​​the skin affected by itching. Apply evenly and regularly so that mosquito bite marks quickly fade.

Lavender oil
Oil with this fragrant aroma also has the properties of calming the skin and fading away mosquito bites. You can overcome pain from mosquito bites using this one oil. How to use it by directly rubbing the area of ​​a mosquito bite with lavender oil. Let stand for 15 minutes. Apply daily and routinely to get optimal results.

The natural antioxidant and antibiotic content in garlic is also effective for dealing with mosquito bite marks. You can use garlic sap to fight itching. Apply garlic slices to the area of ​​the skin affected by mosquito bites. Then let stand for a while. After that, wash the skin area clean.
That's all the various ways to easily remove mosquito bites with natural ingredients. Good luck and hopefully useful.
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